A place to take a time out and savor the beauty that is everywhere around us. Check in whenever you feel the need for solace.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Pt. Reyes Relic

"None are so old as those who have outlived enthusiasm." Henry David Thoreau

Old and rusting fishing boat rests on a sandbar in Tomales Bay, California.

Click on photo for full size image.

Note cards of this image are available in two sizes. Use coupon code "Koty Bear Cares 2010" for a 15% discount. Offer good until December 15, 2010.

©Kinsey Barnard Photography


  1. Absolutely love this old boat! I would love to paint this old relic. I think we have something in common!

  2. Carol: Thanks so much for visiting! I wasn't just flapping my gums when I said your photo was great. As my mother used to say you look "put together".

    Do you have a link to your paintings you care to share with me and my readers/viewers?

    You can see I'm not so well "put together" if you read my other blog http://kotybear.blogspot.com. My dear mother is probably spinning in her grave if she can see me now!

